Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Check Out My New Blog!

I don't write on here much anymore because, well we are surviving well. I made the big move to Utah from Washington to be closer to my married kids and grandchildren. It was the best move I have made. I am working in the local school district now as a substitute and that has been a great blessing.

I get to see my two grandsons a lot! One is currently living with me. The other is 25 minutes away. To top it off, my youngest daughter announced she was having twins in November! You can read all about her journey on her blog about her battles with infertility. There is also a great video of how they told me. It has over 2000 hits on YouTube! Check out her site:

My new site is about learning to make healthy, happy choices in eating, exercise, and life. I will be sharing some of the new recipes I am trying and other fun things. Check it out:

Thanks for following me on my past journey and I hope to see you on my new one at "The Happiness Choice."

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