Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lesson's Learned

I have been thinking a lot about what I have learned over the last 3 years. There have been good and bad lessons learned. I have learned you will get hurt many times trying to find love again. It makes it hard to open your heart but I believe there is still hope. I have learned just because someone is your friend does not mean you can't trust them with your money. I have also learned that even at my age, some men don't understand no and will try to take advantage of you. No one I went out with, just a dirty old man; somethings never change.
There have also been some good things I have learned. My children are my rock. My extended family is so supportive. My girlfriends are amazing. And even with the bad lessons, I may cry for hours or days, but I can smile, forgive and slowly move on. That is the main thing I have learned. Smile, forgive and move on.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A World Of Opportunities

What a world of opportunities I have in front of me! I cannot say enough, how fun it was to participate in the Global Women's Summit in Los Angeles last weekend. It helped me to realize how to make a few of my dreams come true; very empowering! I met so many wonderful and talented women with such diverse occupations, dreams and skills, but yet all very similar in many ways. It has put me back on track with writing my book too! I have three manuscripts that have been proofed and now I am merging them together to glean the best finished product to get published.
I really appreciate all the support and guidance people have given me. The youth around me are so wonderful! We need to applauded them more often for the amazing things they do. I am thankful so many youth are a part of my life. It has been a pleasure serving the youth at church and at school. In our crazy world they are shinning stars.
The other day when my youngest was have a tough day I sent her a text saying, "You are my sunshine on cloudy days!" and she wrote back, "You are my cup of hot chocolate when my soul gets cold." When she posted it on facebook, she wrote, "I have the best mother in the world."  For the record, I have the best kids in the world and I love them dearly. We need more love in the world. So after you read this, go tell someone you love them. Smile at a stranger, wave to a neighbor, and be polite while driving. All these little things make the world a better place, one person, one deed at a time. So if you are reading this, I love you too!